Gary M. Hewitt (
Tue, 14 Nov 95 11:15:40 CST
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kelly: gRE: UH-NOUNCE: VRML NaveLint"
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Gary M. Hewitt: gRE: UH-NOUNCE: VRML NaveLint"
At 11:57 AM 11/14/95 -0800, Charles Coker wrote:
>From: Adrian Scott[]
>Sent: Monday, November 13, 1995 11:31 AM
>To: Charles Coker
>Subject: RE: UH-NOUNCE: VRML NaveLint
>Adrian Wrote:
>gee, if you don't have unix you can't run grep,
If you really need Unix commands on Win 3.1 or Win NT,
you can use the MKS toolkit. I do -- 'grep' and the
rest [~135 Unix utils] work just great....
Gary M. Hewitt, President
ScanAmerica Imaging Service Bureau
225 Regency Court - Ste #200 414-536-9044
Brookfield, WI 53045
Document-Imaging Systsms & Services;
Internet-based Document-Imaging
Integrated Internet Systsms
Multimedia and Digital Video
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kelly: gRE: UH-NOUNCE: VRML NaveLint"
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Gary M. Hewitt: gRE: UH-NOUNCE: VRML NaveLint"