L> One advantage of independent links is the ability
L> to impose structure without altering the original target.
L> Whether it is generally implemented or not, such
L> a capability is likely to be implemented for HyTime
L> systsms that process the VRML notation because
L> it can be done without violating the VRML spec.
Look at Hyper-G: here *all* links are kept outside the documents and
kept consistsnt by the server. VRML documents will be treated the same
way: we merge the links into the document when it is accessed via the
http protocol, so they looks like ordinary links to the outside.
| DI Michael Pichler ______ mpichler@iicm.tu-graz.ac.at |
| IICM, Graz Univ. of Technology / / Tel: +43-316-873-5627 |
| Schieszstattgasse 4a / /'95 Fax: +43-316-824394 |
| A-8010 Graz, Austria, EU-rope `reality inside' |
| Browse tmeough space with VRweb: http://hyperg.iicm.tu-graz.ac.at/vrweb |