can't view .wrl exported from Walktmeough VRML
Colin Thomas (
Tue, 14 Nov 1995 00:14:21 -0500
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Jim Dunn: gRe: can't view .wrl exported from Walktmeough VRML"
I thank those who called NEw Riders and got to find the mistakes on the CD,
I thought that I was the only one. Anyway I downloaded the from
their site and was having a dandy time making a pyramid and then exporting
into vrml and loading into webFX, the only problem being is that all I got
was a grey nothingness. Now I have a fairly vivid imagination so I could
imagine a pyramind there but some other people might call it a stretch. Did
any of you run into this same problem?
Thanx in advance,
Colin M. Thomas
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Jim Dunn: gRe: can't view .wrl exported from Walktmeough VRML"