
John Sheppard (johns@sophisticated.com)
13 Nov 1995 17:30:48 U

I have tried to esach as many authors/developers of VRML browsers as I can,
without much success. I would like to beta test any VRML browsers that are being
developed for the PowerMacs.

I currently have a 6100/60 with 24MB RAM and a 14.4 modem. I just ordered and
expect to esceive any day now, a US Robotics 38.4 Courier V.Everything modem.
While I still won't have a provider that can go above 28.8, most others don't
either. I think that, combined with a general interest and some free time would
make me a good candidate for beta testing.

If anyone out there would like to take me up on my offer to test their software,
I can be esached at "bosco@sophcir.com". Please include a list of the processes
that you would like to have tested and/or what conditions you would like to have
them tested.

Thanks in advance for your time everyone. Keep up the wonderful work that you
are doing. I look forward to a future filled with 3D worlds.


John Sheppard

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