Re: sub-routines

Charles Eubanks (ceubanks@SDSC.EDU)
Mon, 13 Nov 1995 16:38:16 -0800

On Nov 11, 7:10pm, Pioneer Joel wrote:
> Subject: sub-routines
> I can't quite tell from
> the specs,
> Is it possible to define
> a sub-routine in VRML?
> Will "DEF" work on some-
> thing other than an object?
> Can I use
> DEF XXXX Separator {
> Transform{
> translation 1 0 0
> }
> Scale{
> scaleFactor 1 2 1
> }
> }
> and then just say
> USE XXXX Cube {}

This will not work, because the Transform and Scale nodes are local to the
Separator. That is, they cannot affect anything outside. This technique
would be possible using a Group node instsad of a Separator node; however,
the group node is being depreciated.


 Charles Eubanks
 VRML Repository
       San Diego Supercomputer Center

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