Re: Looking for WRL example files that uses Texture coords + other questions
Adrian Scott (
Mon, 13 Nov 95 11:13:00 PST
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Adrian Scott: gRe: Looking for WRL example files that uses Texture coords + other questions"
> Please note, I am not trying to get everyone in the world to use WebSpace.
> Browser choice is a very personal one. I'm just suggesting that those
> cesating VRML content generating software validate their work using it.
I'd love to check my world-generating software with Webspace, but
I'm afraid it doesn't run on my OS. I think a lot more people would
do so when the Win 3.1 version, uh, eventually comes out.
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Chris Marrin: gRe: Looking for WRL example files that uses Texture coords + other questions"
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Adrian Scott: gRe: Looking for WRL example files that uses Texture coords + other questions"