Re: VRML 1.1 proposed changes

Chris Marrin (
Mon, 13 Nov 1995 10:32:10 -0800

On Nov 13, 12:03pm, Antheopohedron wrote:
> Subject: VRML 1.1 proposed changes
> ...
> 2) The Texture2 imagemapping I was talking about before. This hit the
> mailing list, was supported briefly, and vanished like a drop in the
> bucket. I thought I had made a good case for it. Again, are there any
> objections or reasons why it is not feasible? Please seriously
> it.

The better place for "imagemapping" to be done is in the WWWAnchor node,
not the Texture2 node. There was a proposal for this a while back, but I
don't think it is currently under consideration. It would simply add a
new enumeration (such as TEXTURE) to the map field. This would send the
texture coordinates rather than the object space point clicked on. This
would be sent in normalized coordinates (0..1) but these are easily
converted to image space to duplicate the HTML imagemap capability.

chris marrin      Silicon
(415) 390-5367    Graphics   Inc.         

"It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." - John Andrew Holmes

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