Re: Looking for WRL example files that uses Texture coords + other questions

Chris Marrin (
Mon, 13 Nov 1995 10:20:11 -0800

On Nov 11, 5:15pm, Alan Walford wrote:
> Subject: Looking for WRL example files that uses Texture coords + other
> Hi,
> I am looking for some simple vrml files that contain textures,
> use indexed face sets, and use texture coords to get textures
> mapped in the right place.

Many files with explicit texture coordinates are incorrect. I have posted
about a problem with Fountain generated files. I don't know if this
problem has been fixed but several files generated with these bad
coordinates (textureCoordIndex actually) are still around. I've seen
other problems as well. Lots of files seem to have odd normals as well.
So, even if the texture is mapped correctly, some faces will be dark and
others light due to this problem.

The problem, of course, is that many browsers are broken as well, so it's
hard to validate the output of vrml generators. Since the spec for
texture coords and normals are based on Inventor, testing generators using
an Inventor based browser (like WebSpace) is probably your best bet.

I'm not sure why cesators of VRML software (authoring packages and
converters) are not doing this. Is it because the PC version of WebSpace
has not been available for very long, or are the problems getting it to
run in a typical environment, or is there resistance to using WebSpace?

Please note, I am not trying to get everyone in the world to use WebSpace.
Browser choice is a very personal one. I'm just suggesting that those
cesating VRML content generating software validate their work using it.

chris marrin      Silicon
(415) 390-5367    Graphics   Inc.         

"It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." - John Andrew Holmes

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