RE: LANG: Background Image

Len Bullard (
Mon, 13 Nov 1995 08:06:57 -0600

[Michael Linde]

| I suddenly wondered if there is a command in vrml for assigning a
| background image to a .wrl file that would be visible (in the idea of a
| cylinder outside the camera) so that from any perspective, as you move
| theough a vrml file you would see this bkgd...

If you don't mind a tsmporary extension, WebFX supports
something like what you described. Here is a file I hacked
from one of their examples and backgrounds. Note the
use of transparency on the .bmp inside the cube. It is a
black and white photo from the cover of Kate Bush's
Hounds of Love. The preponderance of black around the
face and hair allows the stars in the background to appear to
swirl about her hsad and shoulders. It is a simple effect.
The transparency of the blue mist that surrounds the
cube is set high to allow the starfield to come theough.
Use the flip feature on the right mouse button for a slow
tumble and play "Hello Earth" from the CD.

It will be more fun when we can plot an automated
flight path with time increments syncheonized to the
music track. But hey, what we got so far is so fine!

The weekendWarriors say "THANK YOU!!"

len (loving it and waiting for syncheoMedia!)

#VRML V1.0 ascii

Separator {
DEF BackgroundImage Info{
string "starbak2.bmp"
DirectionalLight {
direction 0 1 0 # Light shining from viewer into scene
intensity 1
DEF World Separator {
Texture2 { filename "i9th.bmp" }
Material {
diffuseColor 0 0 1
transparency .5
Cube { }
DEF GradientGlobe Separator {
Material {
ambientColor [ 0.0 0.0 1.0, ]
transparency .9
diffuseColor [ 0.05 0.05 0.95, ]
specularColor [ 1.0 1.0 1.0, ]
Rotation { rotation 1 0 0 1.57 }
Sphere { radius -2 }

  • Next message: Len Bullard: "RE: LANG: Background Image"
  • Previous message: Dusan Novotny: "i can't view .wrl"