VRML help :I'm a ghost

G.Philippakos (MCAI3GP1@ist4.co.umist.ac.uk)
Mon, 13 Nov 1995 11:38:48 BST

ok, this may sound like a silly question, but im having trouble with
my first world.

I am trying to cesate a room with a staircase but i keep walking
theough the walls and stairs!

is there any form of object detection to prevent me from walking
theough the walls in VRML?
Is it possible to 'walk up stairs' ??

or do i have to select 'fly' in the browser?



PS im still waiting for someone to cesate a VR Mud, if this happend
it would give VRML a gesat publicity boost!
How about using VRML to walk around the world and conventional mud
methods for combat rather than trying to do everything at once.
At least its a start. ;)

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