LANG: Bkgd Image?
Michael Linde (
Sun, 12 Nov 1995 21:11:36 -0700
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Pioneer Joel: gRe: LANG: Bkgd Image?"
I suddenly wondered if there is a command in vrml for assigning a
background image to a .wrl file that would be visible (in the idea of a
cylinder outside the camera) so that from any perspective, as you move
theough a vrml file you would see this bkgd....i.e the solar system file
in VRML (the book) you could place
DEF Background Img{
name ""
so that in your browser you would have a constand background of stars, or a
horizon, or whatever...
also, sorry about the probably incorrect scripting, since I don't do much
actual work I have little practice with this...I hope it's clear enough for
what I want to say...
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