> 2) In VRML 1.0, the currently loaded texture should be mapped to each polygon
> on a poly by poly basis or across all the polys in the set as one?
Me thinks the latter...
> 3) Why does the GVD logo on http://fos.bath.ac.uk/VRML/vrml.html look so
> cool in the example picture (with textures and all) but so lousy in
> the two Windows browsers I have tried?
Webspace for NT or Win95 shows all textures and everything properly.
Actually the example picture is a screen grab from Webspace :-)
I did notice that WebFX does mess the textures and I honestly don't know
why. The way I applied textures is esally simple you can check it in the code
and it is applied in the whole indexed face set. Didn't bother to mess around
with texture coords though. Just a plain texture2 node
-- --- --- ---- ---- ---- Dr. Vassilis Bourdakis ---- ---- ----- ----- Tel +44 (0)1225 826475 CASA, Bath UniversityV.Bourdakis@bath.ac.ukhttp://fos.bath.ac.uk