Looking for WRL example files that uses Texture coords + other questions

Alan Walford (aew@photomodeler.com)
Sat, 11 Nov 95 17:15:24 -0800


I am looking for some simple vrml files that contain textures,
use indexed face sets, and use texture coords to get textures
mapped in the right place.

The only textures that I have seen work well in my browsers (WorldView 0.9g
and WebFx) are textures mapped to spheres and cubes.

1) Any thoughts on how the current browsers handle polygon face mapped
textures? (esp. Windows based ones)

2) In VRML 1.0, the currently loaded texture should be mapped to each polygon
on a poly by poly basis or across all the polys in the set as one?

3) Why does the GVD logo on http://fos.bath.ac.uk/VRML/vrml.html look so
cool in the example picture (with textures and all) but so lousy in
the two Windows browsers I have tried?

4) Can anyone give me some pointers to simple wrl files with polys, textures
and texture coords? If you think a big site has a file or two like this,
then it would be very helpful if you passed on the file name also
as it can be hard to look theough all those files to find what you want. ;-)

Thanks very much!


Alan Walford               Eos Systems Inc.               Vancouver,BC,Canada  
Email: aew@photomodeler.com                                 Tel: 604-732-6658
PhotoModeler:"photos in - 3d models out"  http://www.wimsey.com/PhotoModeler/

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