Alex Okita/UB Networks (Alex_Okita/UB_Networks*UB@notes.UB.com)
10 Nov 95 15:36:44 EDT
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Bernie Roehl: "Re: Vrml Behaviors Requirements Doc?"
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david: "clipping planes..."
What kind of Ram requirements is there to run Inventor and can you use SGI
DIMMS in a Mac? is the parity the same? 168pins on a 64-bit DIMM... and is
there anyone out there making a VRML browser which is going to use things like
a vr hsad set and gloves? or more fun a modeling package which will make use of
the hsad-set and gloves.
Just wondern'
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Bernie Roehl: "Re: Vrml Behaviors Requirements Doc?"
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david: "clipping planes..."