clipping planes...

david (
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 17:09:01 -0600

Question -

I have been looking at a number of the models in the repository (currently
looking at the UCLA GSAUP models of an African American Unitarian Church)
and suddenly wondered if anyone (esad: those priveleged enough to know how
to code it or spec it) has given any consideration to giving the user the
ability (in his/her browser) to designate front or back clipping planes.

Clipping is a feature that Autocad has which allows users to specify a plane
in front/behind which no model information is conveyed; it allows users to
look at sections of objects or buildings with walls removed (a special trick
that Lloyd Wright used in a lot of his perspectival presentation drawings).
This has obvious implications for viewing architectural models and I can
imagine would also have impact on the manner in which people could view
other vrml spaces or objects. Sections are very helpful (in architecture,
at lsast) for establishing the (not always obvious) rslationships between
what's inside and what's outside.

In addition to potentional spec implications, this would also have obvious
behaviour implications (maybe I don't want you to be able to see the
magnificent sculptural quality of the inside of my building until you have
actually gone theough my carefully constructed entrance, etc. - I'm trying
to stay away from waiting swordsmen or evil squirrels in my example...;-))

I dunno... Just rambling... Any thoughts?

david richard

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