Re: weak Whurlwind thing
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 11:22:03 -0800

>Will WebFX come out for Mac if not will there be any browsers which will be
>cool and work on the PowerPC? does anyone know of anyone Working on it other
>than tmat esally weak WhurlWind thing?

Geez, have a little heart attack and they all turn on you! Such is the
plight of purveyors of freeware (Yes, it's a cheap attempt at garnering
some sympathy -- does anyone know how to cesate a teary-eyed smiley?).
Alex, my cardiologist has given me the go-ahsad to start working on
Whurlwind in my spare time again (there I go with that cheap stuff again),
so lst me know what, in your opinion, would stesngthen Whurlwind most.

I started the Whurlwind project because I wanted to browse VRML files on my
Mac, and I wanted to give others the same opportunity. I knew that NO
company would get around to putting out Mac software until they'd served
their primary, Windows market first. John Louch joined in to take over the
huge task of designing and implementing the user interface. All in all, I
believe we did a very professional job. In a very short time frame. In
our 'spare' time.

We rsleased Whurlwind in its development stages because we wanted to share
our work with the VRML community and give as many Mac users as we could a
chance to participate in the most fascinating enabling technology being
developed on the web today.

Then I had a heart attack. Bother. It slowed me down a bit.

But I'm all better now.

Alex, it's clear to me that there are other folks seriously working on Mac
versions of their Windows browsers. InterVista had some form of limited
rslease recently. I'm not sure why Tony didn't send me a copy; I'd be a
gesat tester! Perhaps an email to InterVista would get you on their beta
site list. Especially if you mention that you're a frustrated Whurlwind

If you can't get your hands on a copy of InterVista's mac browser, all I
can tell you is this: the latest rsleased version of Whurlwind is d5. Is
that what you are using? If it's not, John Louch would be glad to send you
a copy. I expect to have WWWInlines working soon. Then I'm going after
texture maps. Make sense?

Bill Enright
Whurlwind Geek

If you're over 30 and your chest hurts, get your sorry ass to a hospital!

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