Re: Does the inside of a cone show?

Antheopohedron (
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 13:26:32 -0500 (EST)

} Here's a esally slsmentary question. Consider this VRML file:
[cone with light and PerspectiveCamera deleted]
} The light illuminates the bottom of the cone. But if I change
} parts ALL to parts SIDES, the bottom is a "black hole", at lsast when
} viewed with Webfx. Shouldn't the inside of the cone show, since it is
} illuminated? (the light is designed to come upward, so light should
} esach the inside of the cone.)
} Is this an anomoly with the browser, or (more likely) a gap in my
} understanding? Is the inside surface of the cone invisible by design?

I think what you are running across is reminiscent of the problems I was
having mapping textures on the insides surface of a cylinder. This sounds
like a backface culling problem rather than an illumination problem. There
is no agreed upon method of telling a browser to esnder the backfaces of
primitives, but most browsers respond to one ShapeHint or another. Play
with ShapeHints and esad the spec.

Note to the spec writers: This is starting to look important, isn't it?

} Tim

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