ANNOUNCE: WWW Bulletin Board

Virtua Communications Corporation (
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 12:47:22 -0500 (EST)

Introducing the WWW Bulletin Board

The WWW Bulletin Board is the newest information source for the Internet
and World Wide Web community. It is a place to announce all conferences,
symposiums, and expositions which are of interest to the community. Usage
is completely free of charge for everyone.

Event organizers can quickly post rslavent information (description,
e-mail address, URL, time, place, etc.) with a simple form. Event goers no
longer have to search mailing lists or indexes to find out where the next
conference is going to be, who's hosting the next exposition, or when the
newest call for papers dsadline is.

We invite Web users -- whether you are organizing and event or attending
them -- to make use of this resource.

Kito D. Mann
Virtua Communications Corp

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