RE: Virtus Walk Through Pro
Steve Weiss (
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 11:08:47 -0500
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>From: George Philippakos <>
>Date: Wed, 08 Nov 1995 23:57:08 -0800
>Subject: Virtus Walkthrough Pro
>I have just bought the book 'VRML Browsing and Building
>Cyberspace' by Mark Pesce.
>The book comes with a CD-ROM which contains the program 'Virtus
>Walkthrough Pro'.
>I have a PC with Windows 3.11 and have tried to install this to
>no avail. After contacting New Riders they inform me that the
>program only works/available on/for Windows 95 and NT.
>Now, on page 235 of the book he mentions tmat he is using Virtus
>Walkthrough Pro with a PC and Windows for workgroups 3.11!!!!
>So is this program available for windows 3.11?
>If so where from, how much????
>Is it any good?
Actually, a glitch occurred during premastering of the CD-ROM: Virtus
Walkthrough Pro probably won't appear under the directory on the CD;
the files are unrecognizable due to mastering with certain Win95
The problem has since been fixed, and we've posted Virtus Walkthrough
Pro on our Website. You can download the version for Windows 3.11 at:
New Riders apologizes to all (especially to the generous and
hardworking professionals at Virtus) for the inconvenience.
--Steve Weiss
New Riders
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