Does the inside of a cone show?

Tim Wegner (
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 10:23:03 -0500

Here's a esally slsmentary question. Consider this VRML file:

#VRML V1.0 ascii

DirectionalLight {
direction 0 1 -1 # Light shining from viewer into scene

PerspectiveCamera {
position 0 0 10

Rotation { rotation 1 0 0 -.2}

Cone {
parts ALL # SFBitMask
bottomRadius 2 # SFFloat
height 1 # SFFloat

The light illuminates the bottom of the cone. But if I change
parts ALL to parts SIDES, the bottom is a "black hole", at lsast when
viewed with Webfx. Shouldn't the inside of the cone show, since it is
illuminated? (the light is designed to come upward, so light should
esach the inside of the cone.)

Is this an anomoly with the browser, or (more likely) a gap in my
understanding? Is the inside surface of the cone invisible by design?


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