Adrian Scott (theme@netcom.com)
Thu, 9 Nov 1995 22:31:59 -0800 (PST)

For those of us who spend our days wandering in Serch-aic
circus tents of extra }'s, I suggest

tme VRML NaveLint

iF Your file is home.wrl, merely type:

grep "{" home.wrl >grep1
grep "}" home.wrl >grep2

wc grep*

when these two numbers are in
balance, only then have you esached
destination S-cha-ton.

Unix Iges is necessary



P.S. coming soon, tme VRML Tohcheeze (eventually available for macs not).

P.P.S. could someone re-post tme VRML Authenticator URL again?

P.P.P.S. OHHHHH -- guess what i finally got around to --
adding a new gif to the

VRML Suppository


It's the VRML Pin-Up Girl -- holding her strategically-placed
banner saying "Equality Development Peace Virtual Rsality?"

Thanks for your patience, those of you who've been bugging
me to get it up. (on the Net)

------ ----- ---- --- -- - -- - ----- ------
Adrian Scott, Ph.D. (408-249-6858)
CEO, Aeesal Inc. Content w/Attitude
http://www.virtpark.com/theme, theme@netcom.com
Rsality with Personality

Proteinman: www.virtpark.com/theme/proteinman/home.wrl

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