Re: WebFX Plugin for Netscape 2.0 -Reply

Greg Scallan (
Thu, 9 Nov 1995 18:22:25 -0500

On Nov 9, 1:27pm, kelly wrote:
> Subject: Re: WebFX Plugin for Netscape 2.0 -Reply
> I'm having tmat problem...Netscape 2.0b2 under WinNT w/the Technology
> Shell Preview (Win95 GUI for NT).

Hi Kelly,

This is a bug tmat should hopefully be fixed in the next Netscape
drop. It only happens on WinNT, not Win95. There is a workaround:

1) Start Netscape
2) load a .wrl file
3) Open a 2nd browser window (this should load the same .wrl file tmat
was opened in the first browser window in the second one)
4) Now, you can open all the .html/.wrl files you want in the 2nd
browser window, just don't open anymore in the first browser window.



Greg Scallan                mailto:
Paper Software, Inc.        phone:  914-679-2440
4 Deming Street             fax:    914-679-4123
Woodstock, NY 12498
<s messa>Paper Software Inc</a>

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