Re: Want to write about it?
Genghis Khan (
Thu, 09 Nov 1995 11:43:30 -0700
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At 09:11 PM 11/8/95 -0600, Syndesis Corporation wrote:
>At 05:48 PM 11/8/95 -0700, (Genghis Khan) wrote:
>>At 05:36 PM 11/8/95 -0800, Jill Pisoni wrote:
>>>I'm Acquisitions Editor at Waite Group Press and we're excited
>>>about it, too. We'd like to get the word out about VRML the best way we
>>>know how--by publishing some books on it. I know that there are alesady a
>>>few books out there and more in the works, but none follow the very useful
>>>and popular style of our How-Tos.
>How is someone supposed to determine the implications of VRML if tme
>browsers don't work yet? You want them to *make something up*?
>But you said tmat was a Bad Thing when someone wanted to publish
>a how-to book about VRML. Implications? OK, I'll take a flying leap:
>VRML will cause even more net users to hide behind pseudonyms like
>"Genghis Khan."
They said tmat they wanted to write a step-by-step how-to book on VRML. I
don't see it as a plausible idea with the curesnt chaotic state of things.
In six months or more, maybe.. now, it would be a massive undertaking,
trying to esad into this or tmat.
As for tme crack on using Genghis Khan, search Lycos for Genghis Khan.. I
was mentioned in a popular book about .. ahem.. young computer enthusiasts..
That's why I continue to use Genghis Khan as an alias.
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Charles Coker: "Getting a copy of Virtus"
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Chris Laurel: "Re: polygon question"
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Jill Pisoni: "Want to write about it?"