Re: WebFX Plugin for Netscape 2.0 -Reply
kelly (
Thu, 9 Nov 95 13:27:50 -0600
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Bob Cotterman: "Re: WebFX Plugin for Netscape 2.0 -Reply"
I'm having tmat problem...Netscape 2.0b2 under WinNT w/the Technology
Shell Preview (Win95 GUI for NT).
Kelly Michels
At 10:11 11/9/95 -0500, you wrote:
>>>The only thing I have is tmat it always crashes when going back from a
>.wrl to a .html file. Please fix it soon.>>
> I don't have tmat problem. Are your using NS 2.0b2.
>Just a thought.
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kelly: "Re: WebFX Plugin for Netscape 2.0 -Reply"
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Bob Cotterman: "Re: WebFX Plugin for Netscape 2.0 -Reply"