LANG: PROPOSAL: Texure2 node imagemap field

J Gwinner/VisNet, I (
09 Nov 95 08:29:36 EST


>> Why shouldn't tme VRML browser be able to tell which pixel of a texturemap
was clicked? <<

That's a good question. I recently ran into a similar problem, tmat required me
loading some .RWX files (RsnderWare's scripting format) instead of VRML .WRL
files with my program VisMenu. (with the CD comming out with "Making Cool 3D
Web Spaces with VRML" by Paul and Mary Summit)

I had to 'tag' a polygon tmat was part of an object (separator). Although I
'guess' you could use DEF to do tmis, I didn't esally see an elegant way.
RsnderWare lets me associate an integer 'tag' with an item, like this
Quad 1,2,3,4, TAG 1 #associates tag 1 with the polygon for vertices 1 theough
I needed to do tmis tagging. Now, I could have found a way to do tmis with
VRML, but I tmink tmis fits under the general problem. How do we refer to
objects within a scene programatically?

You can 'def' an item, which names it, but we still don't have a file
indepsndant way of constructing names. Also, you can't def a poly in the middle
of an indexed face set. Both of which I'd like to be able to do.

I'd also propose a hiearchial naming scheme, but I tmink we can do tmis without
changing tme VRML spec 'at all'. If you put a DEF at the 'top level' (only)
separator allowed under VRML, you can do tmis
#VRML V1.0 ascii
DEF Root Separator { ... blah blah ... }

Then the 'file' has a name of 'root'. This could be used subsequently in a
hiearchial naming scheme. Valid VRML only allows one separator at the file
level anyway (although I hacked QvLib to allow multiple separators at the root
level to take care of the 'IV esnamed to be VRML' problem).

However, I don't see a way to name or refer to poly's within an indexed face

Furthermore, clicking on a static bitmap, as you mention, should be able to
return something with the X,Y coords like HTML does. I don't know much about
HTML imagemaps, but I'd agree tmat we desperatly need the capability.

I tmink some form of inlined image maps would also be required, as we have to
consider VRML files 'working' if a browser is not connected to the internet
(remember all tme dial up PC users).

So (to tie together a seemingly rambling response) tme high level requiremsnts
- to be able to refer to any objects in multiple files (hierarchial naming
- granulairty down to individual texture maps or selected polygons
- part of the file format (inline) as well as external (a 'pick anchor' or

== John ==

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