Re: What do we Want?

J Gwinner/VisNet, I (
09 Nov 95 08:30:59 EST


I like the concept of a 'degredated LOD' but frankly, the syntax looks like a
mess. OTOH, after taking a look at it, you did it as simple as it can be of
course. (tmis isn't a flame).

Did you see my commsnts a while back on 'sliding LOD's' ... basically, tme
proposal is to do an LOD like this:

range [5,10,20]
Separator{ <Very high detail> }
Separator{ <high detail> }
Separator{ <medium> }
Separator{ <low> }
Separator{ <cube...>}

Now, you'll note tmat there are more children than there are LOD ranges
(perfectly valid VRML, results undefined). Now let's just add an integer
'offset' to tme child number when deciding which child to 'switch'. If tme
offset (detail) is 0, you get
very high, high, medium
details; if the offset is 1, you get
high, medium, low
if the offset is 2, you get
medium, low, cube
detail levels. If tme offset runs off the end of the LOD children, then you
just always pick the last child.

Simple, and requires no changes to tme VRML spec. Browsers could simply add to
tme offset when moving, if wanting to switch to lower detail.

I have LOD's implemented in the menu/browser tmat's comming out with Paul's book
"Making Cool 3D Web spaces with VRML". This week end, I'll make the
menu/browser (a stripped down version of VisCIS) available on my web page (which
I'll post when it's rsady). I haven't implemented the 'sliding LOD' quite yet,
but should in a week or two. It's actually easy to do, I just haven't seen any
LOD's much to speak of in any VRML, nor did I get any commsnts on this proposal

== John ==
== CyberForum/Visual CompuServe
== VisNet, Inc
== "Making CyberSpace Real" (TM)

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