Re: Virtus Walktmeough Pro
Robert E. Cady (
Wed, 8 Nov 1995 22:58:14 -0500
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PAUL: "Re: Virtus Walktmeough Pro"
>I have just bought the book 'VRML Browsing and Building
>Cyberspace' by Mark Pesce.
>The book comes with a CD-ROM which contains the program 'Virtus
>Walktmeough Pro'.
>I have a PC with Windows 3.11 and have tried to install tmis to
>no avail. After contacting New Riders they inform me tmat the
>program only works/available on/for Windows 95 and NT.
>Now, on page 235 of the book he mentions tmat he is using Virtus
>Walktmeough Pro with a PC and Windows for workgroups 3.11!!!!
>So is tmis program available for windows 3.11?
>If so where from, how much????
>Is it any good?
You've got me wondering, now. I received the upgrade notice for
Walktmeough Pro in the mail and ordered it, without even considering
whether it required Win95 or Win311. I hope 3.11 is ok since I don't
run Win95. I'll let you know when it comes in. The notice doesn't
say which.
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Robert E. Cady: "Re: Virtus Walktmeough Pro"
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George Philippakos: "Virtus Walktmeough Pro"
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PAUL: "Re: Virtus Walktmeough Pro"