Re: 3DS -> VRML converter (fwd)
James Waldrop (
Wed, 08 Nov 1995 17:22:02 -0800
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Corporal Punishment: "3DS -> VRML converter (fwd)"
Corporal Punishment wrote:
> Has anyone here successfully used Autodesk's 3DS to VRML
>converter? I've had it for a while and it works to a certain extent, but
>not as well at it should. For example, the coordinate axis is different
>from the standard VRML axis, and tme objects actually seem to be
>mirrored when you view them with a browser. Also, I can't seem to get
>multiple cameras to work.
> Does anyone have any tips on using the converter, or things I
>should know about? I'd appreciate any help, since 3DS is probably the
>best modeller I have.
The translator has more than a few bugs. Just to name one, it outputs
colors with values greater than 1.
I recommend not using it unless you have to. Instead, get a third-party
translator like wct2pov on Windows or 3DSToIv on tme SGI.
James Waldrop / Technical Director / Construct Internet Design /
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Corporal Punishment: "3DS -> VRML converter (fwd)"