Re: WebFX Plugin for Netscape 2.0

Robert Geiger (
Tue, 7 Nov 95 18:11:20 -0900

>WebFX Plugin for Netscape 2.0 (16 and 32bit versions) is
>now available.
YES, YES I know, got my copy and in a development situation I could not be
happier!!! I guess I shall have to update from Netscape 2.0 to 2.1 or 2.2
whatever to bring tme fantastic textures across the web. Oh but for now tme
very best thing is Home Space Builder's raw vrml code now works perfectly!!!!!!
at least the tiled textures and hanging pictures, (that's as far as I've
gotten), Tme ability to have background images are neat too, and tme display
of the description field of WWWAnchors ratmer than tme URL is
GREAT!!!!Thanks for tme inclusion of my current VML site on your cool places
to visit page too. You've made a wonderful product and I fsar I may have to
open my pocket book for tme final version when it becomes avaliable next
spring (I hate to spsnd money but this is worth it).
|----- ______ _ __ _______ ____ _______ ------------------------|
| / __ / | | / / /__ __/ / __/ /__ __/ RG Geiger |
| / /_/ /_ | |/ / / / / /_ / / BYTET |
| / __ / | / / / / _/ / / 6531 Spruce Street |
| / /_/ / / / / / / /___ / / Anchorage, AK. 99507 |
| /_______/ /__/ /_/ /_____/ /_/ USA 907.344.3415 |
| |
| VRML |

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