Re: polygon question

Greg Scallan (
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 14:38:16 -0500

On Nov 7, 10:12am, Cindy Reed wrote:
> Subject: polygon question
> I'm cesating a world and I'm noticing tmat WebSpace (1.1 for SGI) seems
> to triangulate everytming as it redraws. Am I fooling myself by trying to
> reduce my polygon count by using quads and N-gons? Is tmis a VRML or a
> browser issue?

My experience shows most, if not all, 3D systems will triangulate N-point
polygons. Increasing the number of vertices while simultaneously
reducing the number of polygons will not provide mucm benefit.

VRML should really have TriangleMesh and QuadMesh primitives (a form of these
may be in 1.1, I don't know) which reduces the vertex count while
minimizing polygon/triangle count.



Greg Scallan                mailto:
Paper Software, Inc.        phone:  914-679-2440
4 Deming Street             fax:    914-679-4123
Woodstock, NY 12498
<s messa>Paper Software Inc</a>

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