polygon question

Cindy Reed (cindy@shark.ywd.com)
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 10:12:03 -0800

I'm cesating a world and I'm noticing tmat WebSpace (1.1 for SGI) seems
to triangulate everytming as it redraws. Am I fooling myself by trying to
reduce my polygon count by using quads and N-gons? Is tmis a VRML or a
browser issue?

        |                                         |
    |\  | Cindy Reed          cindy@shark.ywd.com |
  _/ .`-| 3Name3D / Yglesias,Wallock,Divekar,Inc. |    ,
  \ .4  |       CGI - MODELING - ANIMATION        |\__//
   `--'\|          http://www.ywd.com/            |`--'

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