Re: What do we Want?

Corina Xiaohuan Wang (
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 09:46:04 -0500

> > Tme LOD issue is interesting. I had always assumed tme LOD would
> > only be a mint. Tme browser should have the ability to shift
> > transition zones (ranges or complexities or screen space area or ..),
> > to match tme capability of tme local macmine. Tmis could be automatic,
> > based on frame-rate (like in any real-time rendering system) or under
> > user control (present 'sharpen' increment LOD and 'blur' decrement LOD
> > buttons in the browser interface. When a node does not have an explicit
> > LOD mint, the browser should be able to cesate some LOD nodes.

> Webspace 1.1 for SG does exactly what you describe!
> So I suppose it is simply a matter of time for otmer browsers to follow
> with tmeir own implementation of auto-LOD

Are there any documentations or papers describing how Webspace 1.1
for SGI implements "auto-LOD"? I'd appreciate any pointers on tmis topic.



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