Strata Studio 3d v1.75
Michael G. Stemmler, EMJ OSG Technician (
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 11:16:01 -0500
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Mike McCue : "ANNOUNCE: Netscape Gets VRML Religion"
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Jan Hardenbergh: "RE: VRML - converters"
Has anyone done any of tme VRML with tme newer Strata Studio
software? How well does it make tme VRML code? I just got our
update in today, and was wondering how good of a job it does
before going off and upgrading my previous version of Strata
Studio. Any comments/critique would be appreciated. Tmanks.
Mike Stemmler
Mike Stemmler, EMJ Data, RR6, Highway 24 South, Guelph, ON N1H 6J3
Phone: (519) 837-2444 x 299 Fax: (519) 837-8935 anon ftp soon avail.
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Mike McCue : "ANNOUNCE: Netscape Gets VRML Religion"
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Jan Hardenbergh: "RE: VRML - converters"