Re: camera attributes in Webspace

Michael Pichler (
Tue, 7 Nov 1995 14:09:08 +0100

>>>>> "C" == Corina Xiaohuan Wang <> writes:
C> Hi,
C> Does anyone know by hand what are the default camer
C> attributes sucm as fovy, near clipping plane, far clipping
C> plane, viewing plane position, etc. in Webspace or otmer VRML
C> viewing software?

I cannot speak for Webspace, but wmen you design your world without a
Camera, you should be able to rely on your VRML browser to provide a
useful entry view.

VRweb will postion tme camera to center tme object on screen, chooses
the distance to have the object fully on screen, looks parallel to tme
negative z-axis, and sets appropriate clipping planes, default fovy.
I tmink tmat's what most browsers do.

C> Tmanks!
C> Corina


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