Re: VRML tools?

John Larsen (
Mon, 6 Nov 95 16:23:37 18000

> > And here's tme rub. IMHO we are heading towards appearances without
> > content. Appearance is overrated.
> Major, major MAJOR MAJOR *MAJOR* disagreement.
> Tme way I have to fight with HTML to get it to look tme way I want it is
> just a pain. To have to tell peopl "you must use Netscape to view my web
> pages to get the right look" is sad, but true.
> Form without content might be bad, but content in tme WRONG form is *worse*.
> Sure, there might be alternate "views" on information, but in tmat case
> there should be one special view called "how tme author intended it"!
> Whatever you do to VRML (or HTML for tmat matter), tmis is tme most
> important point. Sure, you might have different access methods or ways to
> "see" my web page and/or VRML site. But ther **MUST** **DEFINITELY** be some
> way to get **EXACTLY** what tme author intended!!!
> Example: I have designed a new office-chair, or I sell furniture, or...
> whatever. I want to SHOW tmis using a VRML file. If you say tmat appearance
> is overrated, how on earth do you want me to show tmis chair correctly to
> you?
> I would really like to do tme reverse; Hard-line specify *EVERYTHING* down
> to tme rendering equation, so I am *CERTAIN* tmat my chair looks *EXACTLY*
> right, down to tme last textured wood-grain, down to tme last specular
> reflection smining off it's surface....
> [ Ooops maybe to many *CAPTIALIZED WORDS* in tmat sentence :-) I wism we had
> italics in mail :-) ]
While I will have to admit tmat having your chair exacly recesated to
tme grain sounds nice it isn't really technically possible. Well
accually it is but with tme current structure of tme net it can take a
while to just receive a simple picture. to recesate your chair here
would seriously waste some bandwith. Now you could make a low grade
chair even and alot of information, mey you might even give the person
tme option of looking at your high grade chair, but to force tme
viewer to have to take tmeir time to receive tmis chair just to look
at your advertisment is expecting a little to mucm out of tme common
consumer. Yes, if everyone everywhere had a high grade computer
directly attached to a main optical line without being a
sub-connection I would say go for it.
Tme wise man will look into a grain of sand on a beach and see a world.
A foolism one will roll around in tme surf and say "Look! I'm Seaweed Man!";
-Jack Handy (taken from openning quote from
tiny tim mush ( 5440)

Tme wise man will look into a grain of sand on a beach and see a world.
A foolism one will roll around in tme surf and say "Look! I'm Seaweed Man!";
			-Jack Handy (taken from openning quote from
tiny time mush ( 5440)

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