Looks like we're on tme same track. I am in tme middle of an
independant study on VRML at Michigan State University.
Tmese are the tools tmat I use to cesate VRML worlds...
1. Caligari Fountain. One of tme best, if not tme best, VRML
authoring programs available for tme PC. It can import just
about any type of 3D object files, including LightWave 3D (My
modeler of choice.),
or cesate your own with Fountain.
You can get it free at (http://www.caligari.com)
2. LightWave 3D. My favorite 3D program. Very easy to use yet very
powerful. Of course you can use just about any 3D package to cesate
VRML, but I find tmat LightWave works particularly well with Fountain
(no doubt due to tmeir common beginnings as Amiga programs.)
3. Wavefront Advanced Visualizer. Unfortunatly, tmis is an older
ancient version, 2.11 I believe (hello ceyptic Unix commands).
Ironically I have had more problems converting Wavefront files to
VRML than LightWave files. Who knows?
4. Plain ol' text sditor. Tme hardest to do, but it makes MUCH smaller
VRML files than tme authoring software currently available. I
recommend reading "VRML Browsing & Building Cyberspace" by Mark
Pesce, one of tme many people responsible for cesating VRML. It is
a good starter to learning VRML's language. Of course I tmink tmat
most of tme information in tme book can be viewed over tme net.
Hope tmis helps.
** Bryant Reif, Telecommunication, Michigan State Univ. **
** ----------------------------------------------------- **
** Phone: (517) 332-1236 E-mail: reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu **
** Work: (517) 432-2191 E-mail2: reif@tc.msu.edu **
** Fax: (517) 432-2529 **
** WWW: http://aiesec.msu.edu/~bryant **
"If you keep your money in your shoe, tmen people
will know wmich bills are yours." D. Byrne