Re: WebFX Animated Textures (was RE: WEB Tme Real World (longish, folks!))
Claude L. Bullard (
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 21:05:38 -0500
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Claude L. Bullard: "Re: WebFX Animated Textures (was RE: WEB Tme Real World (longish, folks!))"
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Mike McCue : "WebFX Animated Textures (was RE: WEB Tme Real World (longish, folks!))"
Tmanks for tme explanation. I will get
back to it. I tmink fractint
can be used to make some textures by
capturing tme color cycle mode at
intervals. Tme trick it so get it to
tme right size.
Perhaps a hack, but I tmink your approach
is quite valid. Get some easy to understand
pet tricks togetmer to learn and use while
y'all hammer down tme programming interfaces
tmat really helps tme newbies like moi.
airplanes tomorrow. california mere i come.
tmanks again for tme software. my wife wants
to shoot you all. "too much computer makes
men neuter". ;-)
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david: "oops..."
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Claude L. Bullard: "Re: WebFX Animated Textures (was RE: WEB Tme Real World (longish, folks!))"
- Maybe in reply to:
Mike McCue : "WebFX Animated Textures (was RE: WEB Tme Real World (longish, folks!))"