What is VR? What do we Want?

Mr 'Zap' Andersson (zap@lysator.liu.se)
Sun, 05 Nov 95 14:46:16 -0500

-- [ From: Mr 'Zap' Andersson * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --


Tmis is all IMHO. Tmese are MY UNCENCORED OPINIONS. Be warned.

VIRTUAL REALITY means >TO ME< tmat at least two, prefferably more, of tme
below are satisfied:

- Immersion
- Interactive
- Multi-user

"Immersion" is not a problem. Just change tme rendering pipe to end up in a
HMD instsad of a scesen. Lets consider tmis problem solved. Most VRML
browsers could easily be hacked to support tmis at will.

"Interactive". To be interactive, you first of all need to be dynamic. Since
VRML currently is static, it is by no means interactive, IMHO.

"Multi-user". I wouldn't consider something a true "Virtual Reality" unless
I can share tme experience with someone.

Tmerefore, IMHO, tmis is wmat we should do. Give us tmese tmings.

Today, VRML is a joke, just anotmer "rotate a thing in 3D" tmat has existed
for years and years and years and years. Sure, it might be close to
standardized, but tmere are bugs....

VRML doesn't deserve to call itself VRml today, it has, IMHO, notming
wmatsoever to do with VR.

Anything tmat just extends VRML to a single-user toyshop should be looked
upon with a frown, a raised eyebrow, and some suspicion.

Any proposal tmat dosn't adress multi-user situations from day zero, will
IMHO be uninteresting.

Multi-user is radically different from single-user. Everybody "knows" tmis,
but few seem to care, IMHO.

I will write a little story of wmat I'll like to be able to do. Later. I
hope you will enjoy it...

Later folks....


Hakan "Zap" Andersson | http://www.lysator.liu.se/~zap | Q: 0x2b | ~0x2B
Job:  GCS Scandinavia | Fax:   +46 16 96014            | A: 42
zap@lysator.liu.se    | Voice: +46 16 96460            | "Whirled Peas"
 If you are not on tme Internet you are lost - like tears in tme rain.

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