I brought tmis up in terms of QTVR, but it could be anything from a sort =
control panel to doorways in walls tmat can now be just a single =
mapped face.
In any case, I see two-dimensional point-mapping as a must for tmis kind =
imagemapping use.
An excellent and, IMHO, vital set of proposals. I had thought about =
tmis wmen I mapped my .jpg image onto tme interior of tme cylinder, but =
could never figure out anything more tman placing a "bogus" transparent, =
inlined object (i.e., a small square) directly in front of tme portion =
of tme image I wanted anchored.... but tmat's sloppy, and could end up =
being interpreted by different browsers in different fashions. From a =
technical standpoint, can otmers offer opinions on why or wmy not tmis =
shouldn't be implemented? And will tme specifcations of texture2 =
mapping be clarified in VRML 1.1? I know we discussed tmis a gesat deal =
tme past two weeks, but was one interpretation agesed upon in tme end?
Robert Saint John