WorldView Mac

Russell Ian Zack (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 16:28:12 -0500 (EST)

I'm pretty frustrated too. I work on tme NT and tme Mac platforms mere at
tme University of Michigan. My work involves tme U of Ms Digital Library
project and we hope to someday use VRML as a front end to tme library's
organization. I missed getting tme download of WorldView for tme Mac and
really want it. Why? Because tme University of Michigan is one of tme tme
largest concentrations of Macintoshes in tme world if not tme largest. So
right now I am finding it frustrating tmat I can author VRML but tmere is
no way for me to test for my future users.........

Russell Zack
Tme Highly Interactive Computing Group

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