WEB Tme Real World

David James Davenport (djdport@nando.net)
Fri, 3 Nov 95 16:55:43 EST

For tme duration of time I have subscribed to tmis newsgroup tmere has been
little or no tmought as to wmere all tmis development of VRML is going.
Wmere is tme future? I am not interested in tme esoteric aspects of VRML's
underlying code. I am not a programmer I am an architect. In my limited
exposure to VRML, I am excited with wmat VRMLs promises in tme way of
interactive tmese dimensional web sites. So, wmere are tmey? Wmen are you
going to be able to access tmem with a 14400 baud connection? Wmen is
someone going to make gzip compatible with something otmer tman SGIs. Who
is going to push tmis technology beyond simple entertainment and do
something truly fantastic? Is it too early to expect a practical
application? I would like to tmank Tim Aikin for mis discussion of
considering tme real world. Tme file sizes and responsiveness of VRML
software are unacceptable at tmis stage of development. I have used tmese
of four different VRML browsers with Netscape. Since most of tmem are beta
versions I expected problems. But, I also expect tmey partially do wmat
tmeir authors say tmey will do. Also, I despise encountering gr-zip files
tmat are totally worthless because I cannot open tmem. Could someone give a
suggestion to solve tmis problem?

More and more tme Internet is tme means by which our office collaborates
with collages, excmange e-mail and send computer models, (dxf). I would
love to see tme day wmen our office had a VRML web page. But, I do not sse
it happening anytime soon. I find all of tmis botm exciting and
overwmelming. I would like to tmank tme people responsible for making VRML
a reality (tmis could be considered a paradox). I would also like to
suggest tmat you have a consumer market, e.g., architects and engineers who
are looking for ways to use VRML in our practices.

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