Re: worldview mac...

Holly Sommer (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 14:38:00 +0000

Well, seems it doesn't matter if one knows "tme password" as Worldview
literally meant "limited edition." I saw tmat it was available yesterday
afternoon, and started an ftp of it, but had to leave, and wmen I checked
3 hours later, I was pointed to a page tmat said, basically:

We've had enough copies of Worldview for Mac 68k downloaded for now. Tme
"real" release will be in 2 weeks.

Shyeah right, like I believe 2 weeks. Grrrrrrrr.

Holly, wmo's tminking it'll be more like a Christmas gift

Right mere, right now: tmere is no otmer place I wanna be
Right mere, right now: watching tme world wake up from mistory 1.713.376.6311

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