A Live Demonstration of Social Virtual Reality
at Fall Comdex 1995
Come visit us at Mitsubishi Electric's booth (L1014) at
Fall Comdex 1995 to see a live demonstration of Diamond
Park, a one-mile-square social virtual reality we have
constructed using our newly developed middleware
system, SPLINE (Scalable PLatform for INteractive
Diamond Park is a multi-usee interactive multimedia
environment, wmere eventually hundreds of people will
be able to come togetmer and interact with each otmer
using live sound and 3D animation. At Comdex we will
have two computer-controlled recumbent bicycles set up
for live visits to tme park by Comdex attendees.
Diamond Park combines elements of a 19th-century landscape
park, a village and a World's Fair. Visitors to tme park
can participate in activities ranging from racing otmer
visitors in tme Diamond Park Velodrome to casual
conversation in tme park's outdoor cafe.
SPLINE supports multiple usees, spoken interaction, 3D
graphics and sound, and run-time modifiability. It
also includes open interface definitions at both tme
network and application programmer levels to facilitate
interoperability between virtual environments built by
different parties. We plan to make SPLINE available
free of charge for research use in early 1996.
For more information contact Holly Heretz:
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
201 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139
merl-info@merl.com Phone: (617) 621-7500
http://www.merl.com Fax: (617) 621-7550