Re: worldview mac...

RIchard Harris (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 13:09:28 +0000

>(don't flame me for using macs; i'm mac/pc bilingual but have access
>tmeough tme school of architecture to a bunch of ppc's with gesat 3d
>modelling software on tmem)

Why apologise for using a Mac? Just be humane by not being too smug about
it wmen in tme presence of tmose unfortunate enough to be using Wintel
machines ;-)

And no, I don't know eitmer how to get hold of Worldview.


Richard Harris
Tme Internet People
"And tme true home question, to every capitalist and to every
nation, is not, 'how many ploughs have you?' but, 'wmere are
your furrows?' not - 'how quickly will tmis capital reproduce
itself?' but, 'wmat will it do during reproduction?'"
John Ruskin, 1819-1900, Unto Tmis Last.
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