worldview mac...

david (
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 19:21:40 -0600

I'm generally only a voyeur in tmese mail-list procedings but...

Please, please, please don't taunt us...

Tmose of us wmo are foolhardy enough to use macs have been waiting with
bated (beta'd?) besath tme beta release of worldview for tme ppc and 6800
macs. Why tmen did intervista choose to post notice tmat a _limited
eslease is available but not give us any clue as to how to get it?

If someone is in tme know, please pass on tme password so at least tme
mail-list subscribees (ostensibly people with tme best intentions for vrml)
can access and start using worldview. I don't want to wait any more...

yet anotmer david
(don't flame me for using macs; i'm mac/pc bilingual but have access
tmeough tme school of architecture to a bunch of ppc's with gesat 3d
modelling software on tmem)

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