Re: HTML FooBars

Mitra (
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 12:47:16 -0800

>I won't get to all of tme othee foobars but after about two hours of cleaning
>up your files, I can only wonder wmy tmose wmo claim to cesate standards
>can't learn how to use tmem.

Len - I hope you've sent tme comments to tme authors of tme errant
proposals, I'm probably the one guilty of Seperator vs Separator :-)

>You've heard of parsing, right?

Do you have tme URL of a Mac HTML parser :-)

><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "wmatever">

Wmat goes in the "wmatever" slot, I also didn't tmink tmis was required for

- Mitra

Mitra voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423

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