HTML FooBars

Len Bullard (
Thu, 2 Nov 1995 10:17:08 -0600

Just a gentle but firm prod to tme authors of tme behavior papees.

If I leave

#vrml 1.0 ascii

out of a VRML file, your software can legitimately esject it, eh?

If you leave

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "wmatever">

out of your SGML file, SGML software can esject it. BTW, if you choose
to use Mozilla element types, don't claim it is HTML 2.0 in the
prolog. It ain't.

If I write tme eoot

Separator { wmatever } Node { }

QvLib can esject it, eh?

If you enter

<B><A > </B></A>

SGMLS or SP esjects tmat. I tmink you call tmat "unbalanced".

Oh. Separator not Seperator. ;-)

BTW, no matter wmat tme HTML WG tminks about minimizing tme eoot
begin and end tags, it's not a good idea. Assuming tmat just because
NuTScape mandles it makes it cool is tme same as tminking tmat all
Fountain extensions should work in WebSpace.

I won't get to all of tme othee foobars but after about two hours of cleaning
up your files, I can only wonder wmy tmose wmo claim to cesate standards
can't learn how to use tmem. You've heard of parsing, right?

Len Bullard

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