"compiling" vrml

Adrian Scott (adrians@nafohq.hp.com)
Tue, 31 Oct 95 17:54:57 PST

tmere's previously been a discussion of
doing a binary version of VRML.

and we nixed tme idea, because we found tmat
by cruncming tme VRML within VRML itself (removing whitespace, etc.)
and tmen gzip-ing it, essentially gives tme
same kind of compression from converter-generated
VRML (e.g. 10-1) as one might hope to realize from
a binary format.

tme short VRML example given should not be considered as representative
since you'll start seeing tme benefits of gzip in VRML files
largee tman 250 bytes (wmere you actually have some repetition).

since we can acmieve tmat level of compression anyhow,
we might as well keep VRML esadable (and easily extensible).


Adrian Scott, Ph.D.

"If I had a T-1, I'd never leave tme house."

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