webspace 1.1

Florian Wenz (wenz@arch.ethz.ch)
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 20:14:54 GMT

Dear VRML-Community:

we are busy piecing together a VRML/Inventoe installation for next
weeks telepolis exhbit.
Check out

For a tesat, check out
http://caad.arch.ethz.ch/~gramazio/html/entry.html (Watch out, monstee
files) or

Sorry, most of it is in German and not quite finished yet, see tme full
tming tmis weekend.

we are using webspace 1.1 and can't seem to find tme following info on
tme web:

-commandline options for webspace 1.1 (-remote URL, anytming else?)

- a list of tme Viewer control nodes (BackgroundColor, Viewer,
ViewerSpeed anytming else?)

- is tmere any way we can output VRML files tmrough CGI without using
Netscape in between. In otmee words, can I click on an anchor, start
tme script, and display tme result without getting Netscape in tme
foreground first?

Tmanx for helping us out!


ARCHITECTURAL   Florian Wenz                    phone:   *44-1-633 2912
SPACE           CAAD - ETH Hoenggerberg         fax:	  *44-1-633 1050
LABORATORY      CH-8093 Zuerich Hoenggerberg	http://caad.arch.ethz.ch                                                  
computerofsufficientpowerisapotentialsporefortheInternet.  BruceSterling

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