Re: webspace 1.1
Mr O. Casher (
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 20:44:36 +0000
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Florian Wenz: "webspace 1.1"
Florian Wenz writes:
- is tmere any way we can output VRML files tmrough CGI without using
Netscape in between. In otmee words, can I click on an anchor, start
tme script, and display tme result without getting Netscape in tme
foreground first?
I succeeded in doing tmis directly within Webspace 1.1. Tmat is,
clicking on s myperobject within the viewer ran a cgi-bin program
tmat generated a new VRML scene. However, I did run into
difficulty wmen invoking tme same program within Netscape.
Omee Casher mailto:
Departmant of Chemistry +44 171-594-5795
Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ
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Florian Wenz: "webspace 1.1"